Welcome to our twenty third episode and guest interview with Chris Gosnell. We are so glad you are here and excited to share wisdom from our fellow online entrepreneurs.

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Our Chat with Guest: Chris Gosnell shares some wisdom with us!

Chris is an amazing photographer and videographer! She has so much passion for her clients and always has a smile on her face! She has always had a camera in her hand and now also finds a passion to get her clients in videos and reels to promote their businesses. She is very wise and fun to have a conversation with!

Meet Our Guest

Chris Gosnell

Always blonde or sometimes with pink hair, I’m sure to stand out in a crowd!  Though not natively born in Colorado, I hope to never leave this beautiful state.  I just love this place.  I live here with an amazing group of friends who have become extended family, like my BFFs, Tarah, Cara and Cherish.  I can’t forget to mention my spoiled, lovely, adorable dog Dora, who demands to be carried to bed when too sleepy to walk herself.  

Food is my love language coupled with my love to laugh and have tons of fun.  I truly believe that the secret to life is to love God and love people.  I am a total sci-fi nerd: Star Wars, Star Trek, Brown Coats and Sonic Screwdrivers are some of my favorites. You’ll often find me out in nature; endurance running, hiking or paddleboarding.  Come say hello!

Chris loves to help her clients create Reels! She has a great program that actually gives the clients prompts and exactly what they need to create their Reels. Then Chris and her team edit them! This changes the clients social media strategy and helps them get in front of potential clients.

Click here to book a session with Chris!

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