Welcome to our second episode and our first guest interview with Kim Anderson. We are so glad you are here and excited to share wisdom from our fellow online entrepreneurs.
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Our Chat with Guest: Kim Anderson about Growing Through the Seasons of Online Business
On this episode we talk with Kim Anderson about the different seasons she has walked through as her business has grown and changed. She is such an amazing woman and brings so much knowledge with her. The question that we couldn’t wait to ask her was “Once a woman’s business has grown to certain financial place is it a good idea to “retire” your husband”? Listen to hear the answer to this question and so much more!

Thank you so much for joining us today. We are ready to interview our first guest on the podcast, and I’m so excited to have my friend Kim Anderson join us today to chat all about her business, what pivoting in business looks like, and what it feels like to run a business as a human being and not a perfect Instagram influencer.
Okay, that, wait, are you saying I’m not a perfect Instagram, YouTube influencer, TikTok, or all the things? I hope not because then I would feel really intimidated chatting with you today. Kim is a dear friend of mine we met years ago at a blogging conference in a hot tub, yeah a hot tub.
And she’s been such a huge blessing as I’ve been growing my own business. She was my blogging coach and mastermind friend. She is the host of and the blogger behind thrifty Little Mom Blog and Kim Anderson Consulting, where she helps folks start their blogs and she really supports writers in fulfilling their dreams for writing online.

Meet Our Guest
Kim Anderson
Kim Anderson got her online business started in 2013 with her blog Thrifty Little Mom. After building a successful blog and writing a traditionally published book, she started Kim Anderson Consulting where her goal is to coach, educate, and assist women in building online platforms where they can profit from their passions in the margins of what they value.