In our series on success, we started off by redefining success. Then, we followed up with episodes about success in business and personal success. This time, we’re focusing on success in health. This is not quite the same as being healthy, since we can’t control all factors of health. But rather, success in health and wellness means making healthy choices and taking care of the aspects we can control.
Listen here to learn more ↓↓↓

We all have successes and struggles in the area of health. Especially as entrepreneurs, we can become overwhelmed, anxious, or so focused on our businesses that we forget to take care of ourselves. So how do we move beyond those challenges? Perhaps, think about how you can reward yourself for making healthy decisions. Do you love to spend time reading or crafting? When you’ve made a good choice—like eating a healthy meal or working out—reward yourself by spending time on your favorite activities.
And in our discussion about health, let’s not forget about mental health. Check in with yourself regularly. If you’re feeling discouraged, find a supportive friend group or therapist who can help you deal with issues when they arise.
Above all, trust yourself. Only you know what your body feels like on the inside—what is healthy for you. So when something feels wrong, don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself. We all need to be the most healthy that we can. So even if it’s just baby steps, find a way to move toward a healthier you each day. We’ll be cheering you on!
How Do You Define Success in Health and Wellness?
In the fourth installment of our series on success, we’re talking about what it means to be successful in health. We share our individual definitions of physical, mental, and spiritual health. We also open up about our personal wins and struggles in the area of health and wellness. Listen in now, using the player above.
We’d love to hear from you in the comments. How are you taking control of your health?