Let’s Assess Your Results and Make a Game Plan!
Select the options, to the right, that correspond with your answers on the Sweet Spot Assessment Quiz
Your Unique Offering is a strength!
By having a Unique Offering that brings value and help for something your best clients need, want, or are interested in, they won’t question your prices. You’re doing great in this area.
While you may or may not need to really dial in this area, it’s best to start working on areas of opportunity before changing things that are currently working.
Questions 1 – 3 might seem like they’re about pricing, but they’re not. If you have a Unique Offering that you can articulate to your best clients, and it’s something that they care about, they won’t question your prices.
ACTION ITEMS for moving forward in this area:
- Evaluate your marketing messaging and strategies to assess whether or not you are attracting less than ideal clients who are using up your valuable time and resources.
- Connect with your top clients to gather their feedback on what makes your products and services better than others on the market. Ask why they chose you rather than someone else.
- Determine whether or not your offerings are, indeed, unique and valuable when compared to those of others in the marketplace.
Understanding your Top Clients is a strength!
You have a clearly definied niche, know how to speak to your ideal clients, attract them to your business, and provide products to help them.
While you may or may not need to really dial in this area, it’s best to start working on areas of opportunity before changing things that are currently working.
The area of Top Clients presents and opportunity for growth. It may be that you don’t have a defined niche or you don’t understand exactly who your top clients are.
Or, you may have a solid concept of who your top clients are but you’re not reaching them.
ACTION ITEMS to help you move forward in this area:
- Identify your top clients based on lifetime value, repeat business, and your enjoyment working with them.
- Uncover the secrets of what makes your top clients tick and what their biggest needs are when working with a business like yours.
- Identify and solidify your messaging around your niche so you can attract the customer who need what you have to offer.
Congratulations! Systems are a strength in your business.
Having systems in place allows you, as the business owner, to work on your business and not in it while giving you the freedom to step away and know that your business, employees, and customers will thrive even without your constant presence and oversight.
While you may or may not need to really dial in this area, it’s best to start working on areas of opportunity before changing things that are currently working.
Systematization is a really opportunity for growth in your business.
ACTION ITEMS to help you move forward in this area are:
- Schedule a vacation within the next 6 weeks. And then start planning. What would it take for your business to continue delivering effectively while you take time away? Necessity creates fast progress.
- Focus your energy on your sales process so you can get systems in place for your business to grow without you.
- Determine why you’re still hanging on to tasks that don’t need you. If your business is still depending on you to deliver everything, it’s time to learn how to delegate effectively. Clockwork by Mike Michalowicz has a great delegation process and can help you figure out which tasks to delegate, who and how to assign them.
A note about Systems: If you have opportunities for growth in other areas, start with those and come to systematization once you’ve leveraged your Top Clients and Unique Offering.
Because identifying your top clients and your unique offering might mean that you STOP using some processes or delivering some of your current products or services. If you build systems around things you later discard, you will have spent valuable time on the wrong thing. So, be sure to make the other two categories SING first. And then systematize your best services for your best clients. You’ll supercharge your efforts!
Let’s take action together
to get you working in your sweet spot!